

There are 81 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
anorexia nervosa

an eating disorder, occurring most frequently in adolescent girls, that involves persistent refusal of food, excessive fear of weight gain, refusal to maintain minimally normal body weight, disturbed perception of body image, and amenorrhea (absence of at least three menstrual periods).

Author: M.T
Alzheimer’s disease

a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by cortical atrophy, neuronal death, synapse loss, and accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, causing dementiaand a significant decline in functioning.

Author: M.T

an excessive, irrational fear of being in open or unfamiliar places, resulting in the avoidance of public situations from which escape may be difficult, such as standing in line or being in a crowd.

Author: M.T
Hits: 243
adjustment disorder

in DSM–IV–TR, impairment in social or occupational functioning and unexpected severe emotional or behavioral symptoms occurring within 3 months after an individual experiences a specific identifiable stressful event, such as a divorce, business crisis, or family discord.

Author: M.T
Hits: 239
acute stress disorder (ASD)

a disabling psychological condition that can occur immediately after exposure to a traumatic stressor. 

Author: M.T
(Histrionic personality disorder (HPD

in DSM–IV–TR and DSM–5, a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of long-term (rather than episodic) self-dramatization in which individuals draw attention to themselves, crave activity and excitement, overreact to minor events, experience angry outbursts, and are prone to manipulative suicide threats and gestures.

Author: M.T
Synonyms: hysterical personality disorder


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