

There are 3 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
tic disorder

any one of a group of disorders characterized by the occurrence many times a day of motor tics, vocal tics, or both that is not due to a general medical condition or the effects of a medication.

Author: M.T
Tourette’s disorder

tic disorder characterized by many motor tics and one or more vocal tics, such as grunts, yelps, barks, sniffs, or (rarely) coprolalia. 

Author: M.T
Hits: 506
Synonyms: Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome

n. a disorder characterized by the persistent pulling of hair from any part of one’s body on which it grows, often with conspicuous hair loss.

Author: M.T
Hits: 341
Synonyms: hair-pulling disorder


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