Term | Definition |
bipolar disorder | any of a group of mood disorders in which symptoms of mania and depression alternate. In DSM–IV–TR and DSM–5, the group includes primarily the following subtypes: bipolar I disorder, in which the individual fluctuates between episodes of mania or hypomania and major depressive episodes or experiences a mix of these: bipolar II disorder, in which the individual fluctuates between major depressive and hypomanic episodes; and cyclothymic disorder.
Hits: 366 Synonyms:
manic-depressive illness |
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) | in DSM–IV–TR and DSM–5, a personality disorder characterized by a long-standing pattern of instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, and self-image that is severe enough to cause extreme distress or interfere with social and occupational functioning. |
brief psychotic disorder | in DSM–IV–TR and DSM–5, a disturbance involving the sudden onset of at least one psychotic symptom (e.g., incoherence, delusions, hallucinations, or grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior).
Hits: 357 Synonyms:
brief reactive psychosis |
Bulimia nervosa | an eating disorder involving recurrent episodes of binge eating (i.e., discrete periods of uncontrolled consumption of abnormally large quantities of food) followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors (e.g., self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, fasting, excessive exercise). |