Term | Definition |
cerebral palsy (CP) | a set of nonprogressive movement and posture disorders that results from trauma to the brain occurring prenatally, during the birth process, or before the age of 5. |
childhood-onset fluency disorder | in DSM–5, the term for stuttering. |
chorea | n. irregular and involuntary jerky movements of the limbs and facial muscles. |
chronic motor or vocal tic disorder | in DSM–IV–TR, a tic disorder characterized by motor or vocal tics (but not both) for a period of more than 1 year, during which any period without tics lasts for no more than 3 months. |
communication disorder | any of a group of disorders characterized by difficulties with speech and language, such as expressive language disorder, mixed receptive-expressive language disorder, phonological disorder, and stuttering. |
conduct disorder (CD) | in DSM–IV–TR, a persistent pattern of behavior that involves violating the basic rights of others and ignoring age-appropriate social standards.
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conversion disorder | in DSM–IV–TR, a somatoform disorder in which patients present with one or more symptoms or deficits affecting voluntary motor and sensory functioning that suggest a physical disorder but for which there is instead evidence of psychological involvement. |
cyclothymic disorder | a mood disorder characterized by periods of hypomanic symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms that occur over the course of at least 2 years.
American Psychological Association |